Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Preparations

Once it was official that I was a newly recruited OpWall volunteer the next step was to determine the type of research I would be doing during my 8 weeks on the reserve. One of the main reasons for the presence of OpWall researchers on the game reserve is to monitor the activities of the newly vasectomized bull elephants and the behavioral changes that might surface. Elephant population control is very controversial because in the past mass culling has been one of the very few methods of doing so, and little is known into the effects of vasectomies. My original thesis objective was to monitor the daily behaviours of the female cow herds and/or the behaviours of the independent bulls to determine changes in herd dynamics. It wasn't until January that the direction of my thesis changed. With the help of my thesis advisor, David Christensen, the focus of my thesis is now on the foraging and ranging patterns of the elephants, as well as to analyze the nutritional components of the elephants' diets. To make things a little more challenging I decided that I would also present the main differences seen between the elephant sexes. After two months of reading paper after paper on elephant behaviour I started fresh and started finding research for my new thesis: "Ranging and Foraging Patterns Observed in African Elephants (Loxodonta Africana) Based on Differences in Male and Female Nutrient Requirements and Sociality". My final proposal was submitted in May and all the necessary arrangements had been made.

This brings us to present day and only one word comes to mind: Procrastination. One would think that having the opportunity to travel half-way around the world and chase elephants would provide enough motivation to pack at least a week in advance. But as I sit here typing this, glancing over my right shoulder, the daunting pile of clothes, medical supplies, binders, toiletries, and other things isn't getting any smaller. If anything it keeps getting bigger because of the last minute additions. The idea of attempting to fit everything into my "Woods Travel 4000" backpack is almost as intimidating as the thought of what my mom is going to say Monday night when I still haven't packed. After last night's "Safari Send-Off Party" I am confident in saying that the outlook for packing today is a bleak one.

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