Saturday, July 2, 2011

Three Weeks Already... Where Has the Time Gone?

I had full intentions of blogging yesterday afternoon, but as it turns out I was too busy burning my kneecaps a lovely lobster red colour. How I had managed to apply sunscreen every where but my knees is beyond me... and they really hurt. I was relaxing in the sun reading my book for four hours before I noticed my tanning session had gone bad.

Last night the four of us celebrated our final day together as one unit. Today another student joined our ranks to complete research for her dissertation as well. We spent the night around the fire until we no longer had any wood to burn, drinking ciders and sipping Amarula. When the fire had burned down to a heap of smouldering ash we made our way inside to watch I Love You, Man.

Kirsti arrived at 8:45am this morning and we gave her a run through of how we attempt to live at the Loose Mongoose. By 9:15am we had our lunches made and were ready to head out for another day. Nothing too crazy happened today, aside from Ntini getting chased off by one the adult cows from the main herd, so I have decided to provide more detail into the data collection that takes place everyday here on the PGR. Also... Natalie had mentioned that she had no clue what I was taking about when I mentioned “focal samples” and “30-minute scans”. Thus, I will fill everyone in.

We conduct two types of research on a daily basis when we find the elephants: 30-minute scan samples and 15-minute focal samples. When we first come across a herd (The main herd, also known as the AB herd, the Orphan herd, or individual males), we identify the bulls present as well as the matriarch and any adult females. We then conduct a 30-minute scan sample. This “scan” is basically a freeze-shot of the herd and is used to identify the behaviour of the herd as a whole. For example, if we are taking a scan at 1:00pm, we count ourselves down and everyone views the herd simultaneously through their binoculars. We then decide what the main behaviour of the herd is. This includes behaviours such as feeding, moving, socializing, and resting. For each scan we include the gps coordinates, distance to the herd, bearing, vegetation type, and dominant vegetation species. The 30-minute scans are taken in 30-minute intervals until the herd can no longer be successfully samples (usually due to the herd moving into deep thicket).
Our 15-minute focal samples are conducted on individual animals within the herd. Our research is based on the vasectomised bulls, OJVM’s, and the adult females so we use this criterion to identify suitable elephants for our focals. When we have found a suitable individual we use our identification kits to ID the elephant before starting. Working in pairs, we basically record every behaviour shown by our focal animal for fifteen continuous minutes. One person watches the animal with her binoculars (the “caller") while the other one monitors the time and records the behaviours that the other partner calls out. When a behaviour is called out, the other partner writes down the appropriate abbreviation and the exact time it occurred. Our behaviour ethogram contains over 30 behaviours, their unique descriptions, and abbreviations for each. The focal data we collect also includes the individual’s position relative to the herd (moving within herd, following at rear, etc etc) and various other behaviour-related data. Each focal ends exactly 15 minutes after it has begun and is filed away for data entry. Each night we spend a few hours updating our data entry to keep on top of the work load. Whoever is cooking dinner or washing dishes is exempt from data entry that day.
At times our data collection can be very uneventful, Kohlewe, for example, has a tendency to fall asleep during the focal for fifteen solid minutes of “resting” behaviour. Other times the herd is on the move and the caller is scrambling along the roof of the vehicle or hanging out the back to keep her focal animal in view. At times like these the elephants are usually socializing a lot more, making body contact with one another, and displaying all sorts of behaviours. It is incredibly hectic and makes the waiting worth it every time. Three or four hours of waiting in the vehicle is completely worthwhile when the herd finally emerges and as a team we focal five or six animals.
Friday marked the second week I have been in Pongola, the third week I had been in South Africa (not including the travel). The days have been flying by and I have finally managed to stop taking over fifty pictures a day. The odd warthog or herd of Nyala, sadly enough, no longer phases any of us and the trips to and from the lake are almost completely continuous. A week ago Heike would pull the Ele-truck over for us to take pictures of all the wild and wonderful animals, or to pull out our binoculars to view a particular bird circling overhead. This experience has been amazing so far, accompanied with loads of pictures and fantastic stories. Only five more weeks to go, five more weeks...

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